November 2013


1. Travel Expense Authorizations
2. Thanksgiving Deadlines
3. Check Deposit Information Needed
4. Budget Reminders

1. Travel Expense Authorizations
This is a reminder of an existing policy whereby, if a travel expense reimbursement request is completed by someone other than the traveller, then the traveller must be inserted into the workflow path if he/she is not already there.  This also applies to PCard vouchers.

Approval of any payment certifies the following:

  • Validity of the expense – the product was received, the work was performed as expected or the expense was incurred
  • Accounting – the Smartkey is appropriate with available budget
  • Compliance – the expense is compliant with applicable policies and regulations

Sometimes it may take more than one approver to verify all of these. But in cases of people who travel and the administrative assistant, or someone other than the traveller, is completing the voucher on their behalf, the traveller must be inserted into workflow as that is the only person who can verify the validity of the expense.

If the traveller is not a WFS approver then an approval signature can be written anywhere on the supporting documentation.

2. Thanksgiving Deadlines
On November 28th and 29th, the University will observe the Thanksgiving Holiday. All Accounts Payable Vouchers that must be processed by Wednesday, November 27th must be received in the Accounts Payable Inbox no later than Thursday, November 21st, at 4:00 p.m.

All Accounts Payable Vouchers that must be processed by Friday, December 6th must be received in the Accounts Payable Inbox no later than Wednesday, November 27th at 4:00pm.

Any AP checks marked for pick up on November 27th must be picked up by 12:00 noon on that day or they will be mailed to the payee.

Keep in mind that Wesleyan’s net terms determine the payment date. Please contact Tamara Harley at extension 2843 or Crystal Flores at extension 2842 with any questions. Your cooperation is appreciated.

3. Check Deposit Information Needed
A reminder that all checks sent to the Cashier’s Office must reference both the Smartkey AND Account numbers.

4. Budget Reminders
Please be sure to check your financial reports so that you are on track in your budgets. Assuming consistent spending throughout the year, budgets should be 33.3% expended.

SUBMISSIONS FOR FINANCE MONTHLY What topics would you like to see included in this monthly communication? Do you have a system tip you’d like to share? Finance Monthly will be e-mailed on a monthly basis. Items for inclusion are due five business days before the end of each month and can be submitted to