February 2022

1. Budget Transfers in WFS
2. Payments for the Services of a Foreign Individual
3. Purchasing News

The deadline for original budget transfers is Tuesday, March 15. It is important that we freeze the 2022 original budgets for 2023 budget planning. Adjustment budget transfers will still be allowed in the last quarter of the fiscal year, but there should be very little budget transfer activity from this point forward. As a reminder, budget transfer training materials can be found on the Finance website at http://www.wesleyan.edu/finance/traininglist.html. If you have any questions, please email financialplanning@wesleyan.edu.

The following is a reminder related to payment processing for the services of foreign visitors. This is not in response to specific issues in this area, but simply a reference, as activity is increased during the fall and spring semesters.

Understanding that international cultural engagement fuels creativity, supports diplomacy, and enriches artistic offerings, it is crucial for both foreign visitors and Wesleyan to comply with US immigration work restrictions and federal tax law. Payments for the services of foreign individuals are highly regulated and non-compliance could jeopardize a visitor’s visa status and/or future visits to the US. The University will only make payments for the services of individuals upon receiving proof of immigration eligibility, which must be presented prior to an activity. To that end, it is extremely important to notify Finance, Christine Rodrigue, x3502, prior to requesting and/or accepting the services of a foreign person or business. Please see NRA Visitor Payment Checklist. In addition to government restrictions and rules for visitors coming into the US, there are income tax withholding rules on some types of payments to foreign entities, such as the purchase of rights or royalties. Please contact Christine with any questions.

Please see attached Purchasing News for information on OneSource, Dupli, Enterprise and more.

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