November 2022

1. New Faces and Positions – Treasury Services and Staff Accountant
2. Copier Chargebacks and Paper

1. NEW FACES AND POSITIONS – Treasury Services and Staff Accountant
Treasury Services
The Controller’s Office has recently reorganized to recognize the changing world of treasury, both in terms of how we pay people and how people pay us. To that end, Nate Seng has recently joined the University as a Treasury Analyst reporting to Robert Mirabal, whose duties have expanded from “Student Accounts” to “Treasury and Student Account Services”. Initially you may hear from Nate when it comes to foreign wire transfers or electronic deposits. However, the role will also be responsible for working with departments to expand the use of eStores as well as credit card acceptance.

The following are important points and reminders when it comes to Treasury:
If a wire needs to be done in foreign currency, note that in the “Instructions to AP” and adhoc Nate (NSENG) at the end of workflow. Note, as a new process, we now require a bank letter from the vendor for foreign wires. This is consistent with Accounts Payable requirements for new vendor setups and ensures the accuracy of the data, reducing the risk that the wire is entered incorrectly.

If you have, or are expecting, an electronic deposit, we now have an “EFT Deposit Transmittal”. “Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)” is an option under “Deposit Type”. If you are expecting an electronic deposit, you can complete this transmittal before the deposit even arrives at the bank. It will be sent via workflow to Nate Seng who will only approve it once he sees the deposit in the bank. That approval email will be your notification that it has been received. Similarly, if you have been notified that money has been received at the bank, rather than providing a smartkey to credit we will ask you to complete this new EFT Deposit Transmittal.

Staff Accountant
The Controller’s Office is please to welcome Mirelys Aponte as a new Staff Accountant in our office. While her role will primarily be internal reconciliations, you may hear from her during month end as she will be reaching out with those reminder emails for old journals, One Source receiving etc. She will also be assisting with OneSource questions and workflow changes as well as the processing of Advances.

The chargeback method to department smartkeys for copy machines that utilize PaperCut is “by person” as anyone can print from any machine. Each user is assigned a default smartkey. If your default smartkey needs to change, please email Crystal Flores in the Controller’s Office at In addition, the cost of paper is no longer be charged to departments as that is factored in the copy charge. Those responsible for machine maintenance are given access to a central budget smartkey for paper ordering. If you are responsible for purchasing paper for machines you can email Crystal for access to the smartkey.

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